Custom Fields
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information from clients. Custom fields can be added to both the client-facing booking module as well as the backend scheduling system. There are two types of custom fields: Appointment and Client. Appointment custom fields are associated and tracked with the appointment (e.g. current provider, vehicle year, tire size). Client custom fields are associated and tracked with the client (e.g. business name, date of birth, allergies). A custom field can be one of three types: Text, Dropdown, and Date. A Dropdown field allows a value to be selected from a list of pre-defined options. A Date field associates a datepicker with the field.
- Click on Settings in the top menu.
- Click on Preferences.
- Click on Custom Fields.
- Click the
button in the section relating to the type of field you want to add (appointment or client).
- Complete the Label field.
- Choose if you want this field to be available on the booking module, or if it will be for internal use only. If Require on booking module is checked, clients will be required to complete this field on the booking module. If Require on backend is checked, this field will be required to be completed from the administrative area.
- Choose the Type of field. A Dropdown field allows a value to be selected from a list of pre-defined options. A Date field associates a datepicker with the field.
- If Dropdown is chosen as the field type, available options must be added. Give the option a name and click the add button.
- If Dropdown is chosen as the field type, available options must be added. Give the option a name and click the add button.
- Finally, click Save.