1. Select the store location that you'd like our technician to visit.
2. Select appointment type.
- In Store: Schedule an appointment for a technician to come to the store you selected to complete a Tech-Zone service.
- In Office Appointment: Schedule an appointment for a technician to go to a customer's office.
3. Select date and time of appointment.
Appointments are available at 9am and 2pm Monday - Friday. If these times do not work for your customer, please call Tech-Zone at 866-824-1655 to arrange for a better time.
4. Enter your customer's contact information and required appointment information.
Once you book the appointment, your customer will receive an email confirmation. They will also receive a text reminder before their appointment. Tech-Zone will contact them in advance of their appointment to verify. If you or customer need to change the time, please call 866-824-1655 and Tech-Zone will be happy to assist!