South Hams Sports Injury Clinic culminates the clinical experience of 12 years NHS A&E clinician, Paul Merrifield, with his passion for Physical Culture and excellence in movement for Sport and Psychological well-being.
I offer a range of therapeutic services from Cryotherapy to Anti-Inflammatory Kinesiology Taping of the Myofascia around an Injury site to aid in the reduction of swelling through Lymphatic Drainage, whilst in your acute phase of Injury.
During your recovery, I offer continued Soft Tissue Therapy, ensuring that you transition through this phase smoothly and effectively. I make use of Sports Massage techniques, Soft Tissue Release, Muscle Energy Techniques, including Myo-Fasical release and Trigger Pointing. As a Certified RockDoc I use Fascial Movement Taping to ensure your injury is adequately supported and any postural imbalances are corrected, thus preventing a prolonged recovery phase.
Once repaired and recovered I use functional movement to underpin your kinematics for your given sport or occupation, allowing you to return following injury in a stronger, fitter, harder, faster you. Making you the Best You Can Be.