Healthy Smile Mobile Dental Hygiene Inc. offers dental cleanings, teeth whitening, gum therapy and much more. Focusing on preventative oral care for healthy teeth and gums, Healthy Smile works hand-in-hand with other dental professionals, always providing you with the best quality care possible. Our mobile service means you waste less time traveling to and from your appointments. oral hygiene exam oral cancer screening deposit removal stain removal treatment of gum disease oral hygiene instruction desensitizing treatments remineralizing treatments antibacterial treatments preventive sealants cavity prevention bad breath treatments nutrition counseling smoking cessation counseling teeth whitening sports guards/mouth protectors pain/sensitivity control using non-injectable options
Although we do offer same-day appointments when available, we encourage making appointments as far in advance as possible. Our friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding scheduling and payment arrangements. Most insurance plans accepted. We accept payment directly from most dental insurance.
Healthy Smile Dental Hygiene Clinic
3700 Willingdon Ave, SE2 building room 269,
Coquitlam , BC V5g4h5