Pamela Paul, NCC, LMHC, CFT is a Psychotherapist, Health coach, Nutrition Educator and Fitness Trainer.
Pamela specializes in weight management, body image issues, and disordered eating, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder.
She utilizes a holistic approach that addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of disordered eating.
Pamela is a Christian counselor and offers spiritual truths for obtaining freedom and lasting recovery for those who desire biblical guidance and direction.
Additionally, Pamela offers tools and strategies for dealing with disordered eating through a non-dieting approach. She also offers insight for incorporating physical activity to support emotional well being and improve health. Pamela also provides nutrition education as it pertains to health and weight management.
Pamela works with both male and female adolescents, and adult women.
In addition she is the founder and coach for the FAB 50 Women on the Run half-marathon training program. Through the FAB 50 team, women find the support they need to get off the couch, take back their lives, improve their health, and increase their self-confidence and self-esteem.