Julian Garcia - Vanishing Planes Exhibition: June 13 - July 20, 2013 by appointment only.
Vernissage: Thursday, June 13, 2013 6 - 9 pm
I took off the stuff I had written before. I got too much into the way LCD’s materialize digital images through a local process on a thin layer of liquid crystals (much like the paintings) and how the properties of these liquid crystals promote a “dynamic state” where any image can be depicted one at the time (content management/ browsing). Still other images hypothetically reside an ever so slight motion away. This project doesn’t have to deal with technology in such a specific way, I’d like it more to riff with the idea of archives. How the implementation of far-reaching networks for production and consumption of large amounts of content (there are 54 paintings in this exhibition) lead to the creation of massive archives that make information accessible at any time (servers). +How the perception of an archive is then different for each individual based on interest and chance. +How art images inhabit these networks of production and consumption, and are also part of an archive. +How technology mediates messages. +How archives are ultimately documentation of a time past.
You don’t have to write more than 3 or 4 paragraphs. Write whatever you think makes the project interesting.
Thx so much. Photos below
- Text by Julian Garcia, part of an email exchange with Matt Goerzen