Chiropractic care is a drug-free, non-surgical approach to healing and wellness. Chiropractic care restores health and prevents injury by improving the structural integrity of the body, primarily the spine. The brain communicates with the rest of the body via the spinal cord and nervous system. When functioning perfectly, this communication is uninterrupted, and the messages go to and from the brain without interference.
In addition to spinal adjustments, services such as preventive health care, massage and rehabilitative exercise will help you recover optimal health and peak performance. We will demonstrate how best to care for your back, neck and other extremities to prevent further pain.
Most insurance plans cover chiropractic care. If you're paying out of pocket, we will find a payment plan that fits your budget. We want all our patients to receive the best treatment possible.
Asana Chiropractic
17547 Chatsworth St. #1/2,
Granada Hills, CA 91344